fangirl is typing....
Sorry I haven't posted an edit in like a week,like an actual edit. My last edit was pretty bad,but I had to post something then. Also,anyone have any TV recommendations? I need more things to watch......


fangirl is typing.... Sorry I haven't posted an edit in like a week,like an actual edit. My last edit was pretty bad,but I had to post something then. Also,anyone have any TV recommendations? I need more things to watch......

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if you don't already watch it Shadowhunters, once upon a time, Sherlock, doctor who, agents of shield and young and hungry are my fav shows. I think you would like them too!
I started to watch a series of unfortunate events series. it's really good, and so are the books, but it's sad
yu have been accepted into my fandom games
I will do my very best, but I was trying to go for the hp team so I could post that stuff and kill two birds with one stone. I might not be able to complete all the challenges because I will have to do those in addition to the ones I normally do. I will try my best 😐
I would but I don't post divergent stuff on my account. I said I'd do it, so I'll follow through, I just want to let you know I may have conflicts
if u like divergent I recommend the mortal instruments! also I recommend the maze runner series there real good x