I might leave PC not completely sure 🀐 but what do you think?


I might leave PC not completely sure 🀐 but what do you think?

21 0
No one gives me notifications anymore!😞 What's the point.
I know that (no offense) but when people just say "dont" it's does not really help so I'm going to make this huge thing on why you should not leave... ok so one reason you should not leave is because of your amazing followers! yes there has been a thing going on where we're getting less and less likes but that doesn't mean you have to stop☹️ another reason is how fun it's really fun to make edits but I know that it sometimes feels like a chore because if you don't post you loose activity 😱 (which is really sad) but you can just say hey I'm starting to feel like it's a chore (I'm sure they would understand) the last reason is your collages inspire everyone so much if you left just imagine what piccollage would be like...
I think it would be pretty boring if you left!😊
Aww guys thank you for the support!πŸ’– I'll stay!