Willing to answer them all, even the ones I have filled in ( 1, 4, 5, 35, 46 )


Willing to answer them all, even the ones I have filled in ( 1, 4, 5, 35, 46 )

7 4
never actually harmed myself but one time when I lost so much I wanted too x😘 you can pick more xx
that's good x 😘😘
yah, I'm glad I didn't harm myself though as life is better now xx😘
either 8,9,or26 you can pick 😊
8. boy on holidayπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 9. yes 26. p1 with a boy that I didn't really know but people took pictures😒 ^
ty for answering them! ( btw sorry that they took pics, you must have been embarrassed πŸ˜•)
np! yeah it was rly embarrassing as my friend to this day keeps showing me it....😁
wow that's mean that your friend keeps doing that so sorry 😟
You put '??????????^^' on -Natural_Beauty's page, and it was right under neath my post? Are you confused about my comments? I'm politely asking, because if you are, I'll tell you why I'M confused. 😜
she put that comment up because you said it wasn't on her page I think x 😘😘
yes I am a bit confused...? 😞
I know I don't like it I asked my friend to stop showing me it and delete but she said you wish!!!! 😞
I'm so sorry I gave the wrong person credit it was meant to be given to you -Lifestyle_bloggerx and Diamond_Candy I didn't realise it was on your page as well x