The first five days after the weekend are the hardest


The first five days after the weekend are the hardest

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Lol 😂ty!
Hi! I'm Kylie!
lol 😂 is true
wanna talk?
sure Maria
how about your life in school Elise
I'm tired 😴 I want to go to my house and sleep 😴
horrible I juste had à French test
I sooooo sleepy
me too. actually I have 2 French test
lol 😂
so what books are you reading right now ?!
and now I'm in English class
I'm in Spanish class
I'm reading a book with the name is twilight
oh I read that book amazing 😉
yeah I know
what your favorite subject in school
I love history and French
I love French and sport
😎 cool 😎
my name is Elise and I'm 14 I have white short blond hair and I'm really tall, my eyes are blue green gray and I love books 📚
I have white hair,my skin is brown, I am a little tall, with brown eyes.
ok I love fiction and history books plus my favorite song is riptide by Vance joy
I have several favorite songs
I love fiction and adventure books
winx? what is this song?
hi Elise
hi Maria
Maria ?!?
watt up
I mean wassup