Do you have any pets?
I have a dog, two turtles, two fish and two sea snails


πŸ’•TapπŸ’• Do you have any pets? I have a dog, two turtles, two fish and two sea snails 🐢🐒🐒🐠🐟🐌🐌

40 1
hay can you join my youtubers contest it would be very generous if you could join the contest😜😜
This is so cute I love it πŸ₯°
I’m changing the due date to: April 11th
Task 1 has begun. It started a tiny bit earlier because I was VERY eager to start. Make sure you turn your best work and turn it NOT on the due date: April 21st, or you will be eliminated! Have a blessed day!
I LOVE DISSS 😍😍❀️ //AlishaMarieSummer
would you like to join my icon Contest?
I have a dog and a cat that hate hate each other with passion