Meh I guess it's ok


Meh I guess it's ok

131 0
meh? more like YAAHHHH
ok? this is really good!!!!
that's so horrible!!😱how dare she be mean to you and your friends!!!😱😠😠I think you should stand up to her and tell her about what she's doing to Kyanna💜😊sorry if that's not helpful I'm bad at giving advice😁💜
I don't know how to help you😔I've never been in a situation like that😣I'm sorry💜
Yes I did delete that! Thank you so much for telling me!
My account got deleted 😭😪
her parents didn't want her to have pic collage😭😔💜
WHAT??!! no!! please!!!😭😭💜
I know😔I won't like it either😣but if you left it'd be harder for me and Gradyn and Annabeth💜
ur incredible! I love the hunger games