Hello guys...Goodbye. I'm really sorry about this. I'll never get to talk to you guys again. Im sad that I never became good friends with my Senpai's. (-CUJO-, LaZuli-, Peridork, Quill, etc...) and I'm really sad that I won't get to talk to my really good


Hello guys...Goodbye. I'm really sorry about this. I'll never get to talk to you guys again. Im sad that I never became good friends with my Senpai's. (-CUJO-, LaZuli-, Peridork, Quill, etc...) and I'm really sad that I won't get to talk to my really good

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What? Please don't leave! I know we didn't really talk much, but I've always thought of you as one of my best friends.
Thanks quill...I'm glad you noticed me
wait really Peridork???!! I never really thought that...Uggh now I'm hating to leave...but I have to
I love your whole account. I aspire to be like you and Peridork. To have friends that can be there forever
NOOOOOOOOOO ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜–
i don't want you to leave! i'm gonna miss you so much!
aaa goodbye! I'm sure you have you reasons for leaving
Oh my gosh. Really?! I'll have to go in a bit...But sure! We can chat
I'm sorry @LaZuli- I don't want to really leave either...but it will be better I'm sure
i'm sure you have your reasons but I can't lose everyone! the next person who announces their leaving will get a virtual slap. I will break the 9th Dimension to slap someone.
I'm just a simple person. I'm glad my Senpai's came to comment on this. It makes me feel accomplished @LaZuli-
b-but... heh. don't call me senpai. my real name'd Maggie. I'd like you to remember me not as LaZuLi-, but as my real name, which is Maggie May. โค๏ธโค๏ธโค๏ธ
So. How's life @handsomequill Sorry I'm not very good at chatting. I've never rlly done it b4
I'll remember you forever @Maggie. I'll remember everyone. Btw...my name is Michelle Vogel
Ooh! That must hurt @Quill when was that
I always thought of you as my senpai tbh. compared to my other followers, I consider u one of my close friends. *huggles* you're not just a simple person, you're you and that's very special. you have a pretty name btw. wish I could say the same for mine
cuujo. Omg I'm crying IRL. I'm going to miss you sooo much. I really am though??
why must you leavvvveee ;-; I'm gonna be so lonely without you.... but, on a higher note, I fell off a horse earlier (6th year as horseback rider) and I sat up like "JUST AS PLANNED!" and my teacher cried laughing
I'm doing fine @Quill. TBH I'm not rlly allowed on my phone on Sunday's so I'm sneaking this while my mom is at work
Yes u are. I'm gonna miss you too. I'm crying a little also ๐Ÿ˜…
I even did the fฤซing Papyrus laugh
omg lol @Maggie. I wish I could horseback ride
@Quill. I just ask my teacher If I can be the paper checker and she supposed I have mine
@Cujo *hugz alotz*
@Michelle yeah, it's pretty hard. it's really hard. but totally worth it. i can hardly see the words i'm typing through the tears but you know it's called being a hardcore punk
Oh my goodness. @Maggie. I aim my tears away from the screen. My whole Mimi trash can is almost full now be cuz of it
*Huggles vry much* I'm not going to question why your leaving. I really want to but I'm not. we all have reasons for our actions and sometimes we just want to keep those actions a secret. you don't have to tell me if you don't want to. I'm gonna miss you so much
@Quill. Lol. I would go last If I ever did share. My teacher doesn't suspect a thing
why must you leaveeeeeee me/us
@Cujo. It's rlly dark...
@Maggie... It's a really dark tale
Like I said, you don't have to if you don't wanna. I understand
@Michelle the reasons for people leaving are mostly dark. bullying, self harm, or they just wanna be a diva and get attention and then call off their leaving at the last minute (I'm sure that last one isn't you).
@Cujo Thanks...Ill be off by the end of today...Ill write your names over and over in my diary
@Maggie I hate those ppl that do that last thing...I would never do that. like "lol sorry. I had a realizing that I have all my good friends here. Ily. TTyl" and Whateves.
whyyyy. whyyyyyy. i'm gonna miss you so much. #neverforgetthelove ๐Ÿ˜ซ
I'm going tonsn Omg. My phone just fell out of my hands. I was saying I am going to miss you. Blurgh. I'm running out of tissues
I'll remember you. I'll write your name all over my sketchbooks. PC will definitely be different without you.
@Cujo...@Everybody...I LOVE YOU ALL.
we love you too. Promise me/us one thing. don't delete this account. so we can look at all the memories we spent with you. *huggles*
i will tribute tf out of you when you are away... i hope you'll come back someday. and if that day comes, I promise I won't change my name again, so you can find me... then again you may never come back, and when you do I might be gone... that's a scary thought.
I won't delete it...I promise...Ill write down all my memories with you guys...In a year maybe...ill make a new account.I will say hello. It's me. RANDOMFANDOMFANGIRL. Remember me?
I'll come back. I have too. In a year. Hopefully less, but a year! I love you and If u were real I might ace dentally kill you hugging you so much...
I'll remember all of you forever. My heart has. special place for all of your names๐Ÿ˜ญ
We'll definitely remember. I'm gonna do the same as LaZuLi_. Tiger Eye says she'll miss Onyx btw
Moonstone says the same... she cri now ;-;
Welp.You said her name. She's here now Onyx: STUPID MICHELLE MAKES ME NIT SEE YOU GUYS.
Tiger Eye: AAAAHHH ONYX *glomps* IMMA MISS YOU SO MUCH *gross sobbing*
@Opo...Very dark depressing stuff. I can barely hold my phone
Onyx: Moonstone. Get over here so I can hug you too
damรฑ I have to do a picture for the thing my art teach is forcing me into and it's due tomorrow and I didn't even start but I don't wanna stop talking to u
*snuffs* it's fine Cujo. Go do your HW. We can talk when ur finished
It's gonna take HOURS though *sniffles*
*cries* then you don't have any time to loose don't you (OML I'm basically breaking to pieces. This took me a while to type. My phone keeps falling)
SAME >^<
*hugs alot* I'll be waiting 4 u to return
when do u think you'll be getting off?
At midnight...My final hour
damรฑ what time zone are you? I'll probably be off before u
I'm eastern >_<"
Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ๐Ÿ˜ญ
I'm sorry
it's not your fault. it's no one's
crack your knuckles. it helps a lot when I feel that way
Omg. That helped. I feel like I'm breaking my hands to little tiny peices
ur welcome :3 I'm taking a break from my drawing
i'm gonna miss you, but I guess if your mind is set I won't get in your way. I'll miss you.
*cries* this is my final goodbye
WAAAAAAA *glomps* Don't ever say final goodbye. Just say.... "See you later." or something.
Well...see you later...in a year or so
>^< *see you later ultra mega huggle*
bye. ๐Ÿ˜Š I will miss u
I in central 2
pees down't weeeeeeeeeev!!!!! Pwety peees
( Please don't leeeeeaaaav!!!!!! Pretty please
I promise I'll remember u ๐Ÿ‘โœจ time to make a shรฎt load of tributes
DUDE WHAT NOOO! I HAVEN'T HEARD FROM YOU IN A WHILE AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO LEAVE??? T^T You were so inspiring to me, and you encouraged me. You were one of the few people to actually like and comment some of my collages. Please don't leave!
*hugs while gross sobbing* I'll never forget you.....
Wait what?!?! Y! Plz tell me! Can u talk to me?!?
I remember the shout out u made me and... uGH! WHY
bye.... luv you so much...
And u were my 100th follower but u were on private but then u got off private and I made 5 shoutoutS for u and UGH๐Ÿ˜ญ
plz enter the games they won't be the same without you