Well I'm leaving PC 

I've got limited storage on my phone and I'm not really active as much as I'm used too. It was fun while it lasted 
You guys know where to contact me and I wish the best for everybody πŸ’•


Well I'm leaving PC I've got limited storage on my phone and I'm not really active as much as I'm used too. It was fun while it lasted You guys know where to contact me and I wish the best for everybody πŸ’•

40 0
why u leaving
''tis explained in the caption
awwwww okie 😰
aw I'll miss you!
maybe you can give your account to someone else
rip pc
@asexual potato probs not cause I want to come back here and look at it agin for nostalgic purposes
I'll miss you a lot but it's okay to feel that way and I wish you good luck! ( Β΄ β–½ ` )οΎ‰
@lamb thank you!
aAcK nO
Awwww, see you l8r! (Maybe, I dunno!) We'll miss you, but I completely understand having storage issues. Take care!