I got a beautiful flower from Michael


I got a beautiful flower from Michael

13 1
you should ask him out on a date this weekend. that's what I'd do if I had a boyfriend ;)
I can’t, my stepdad doesn’t allow dating
then ask him over as a friend then, or have him ask you over to 'hang out'
my parents wouldn’t let me unless they know his parents
try a date before or after school, ask your dad to drop you off before or stay after school, and have a school date, that way, you can date without your parents knowing
but they’re going to wonder why though
just say, I need to study some more, try it today, and if he says no, then try again later.
it works when I had a boyfriend. my parents were the same way, but they said, hey, we are glad you're studying, so go on ahead
I’m a little bit worried about what’s would happen though
won't know unless you try ;)
what's gonna happen. the worst that will happen is they say no. that's it. if youre worried about what will happen with your boyfriend. don't. any boyfriend who willing to send a flower and do all these things must be trustworthy
I don’t know though
the worst thing that would happen is prob them finding out that I have a boyfriend & then Idk what else would happen...
aww that’s cute
here's another dare. just go for it. here, I promise everything will be fine
or you guys can date in secret
we are dating in secret, that’s how it was with my past boyfriends .
Micheal & I decided to have a date during a club meeting a school
that's great, may I ask when this club meeting is?
idk, I guess next month??
hey there. I’ve seen you and your boyfriend around school
so cute!
gasp that's my hurmit crabs name but for shorts I call him Mike