Collage by AldcSkittles-


26 7
can u please show us a pic of u texting Heather💖 even tho u already did that😂 or just remix it to me, thanks babe💜
I don't know who to believe
um take a selfie
I'm really confused 🤔🤔🤔
take a selfie of u with ur glasses off and sticking ur tongue out with ur thumb up also wearing a pink shirt
take a selfie of you with a sign saying what your account is
login to the acc I gave u from CSM and comment something to me from there
u post new real proof! the other acc post pics that have been seen b4!
wait now I'm not certain
you on
I did and she says she's still not sure
apparently u know each other in real life so u should fill out that form^
do u actually know each other in real life tho?
just fill out my form so I can know for sure
because the real Emma will know all the answers
I will post a proof page for u tmrw! rn I'm getting sick of being on my phone bc I've been trying to find the real u for over an hour
one more proof tho to go on my proof page
what was the password of the acc I gave u (it won't matter if any1 sees it bc obviously u changed the password)
if u don't know it for sure just give me some part of it
kk bye gtg now! ily
just anwser the ones you know
what I'm wondering is how did that person know that stuff cause I only told you those things
the hacker said that they are obsessed with me and they only hacked your account to mess with me😳😳
you on
go on your account and change the password before he can get to it
so you can have that account back
ok good now you can make this your back up account
and go back to your old account 😀
post one right now you with a piece of paper that says I'm the real emma (aldc skittles-) and your face has to be in the pic