She makes me smile a little more❤️


She makes me smile a little more❤️

32 24
I'm Abby
I'm Tyler
my friends call me Tyler as a nickname. idk why though
😂😂that's nice
yeah. they say I look more like a Tyler than a Abby. they are weird
ohh okay
yeah. so what's up
watching tv
and yelling at my sister to stop singing bc she sounds like a dying cat
yeah. once I was unloading the dishwasher and my sister was singing downstairs and my dad asked me what the noise was I said oh Mikayla is singing and he said oh I thought a cat was dying in our basement
^^thank you baby❤️😊🔥
😂😂😂that's mean but funny
ikr. my dad is a very awesome dude I love him to death
that's good😌❤️
that's what a bully would do ^
I love you baby 😂❤️❤️❤️😊💦