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when's it due? I'm going out to dimmer now, so I kinda need to know. please comment on my page. by the way, thanks for the compliment. :)
thanks, I'll do it after school. I'll remind my other contestant as well. (I said contestant cause the name is so long, no offense to anyone. :(
Okay. Sounds good!
done! :)
can't wait for the winner!!!! 😆😜
I bet you it is for the DTF games. if not, why would you ask for other people's opinions? are the two collages too good to decide? 😋
No, it's not. I just want to see what they like better. I already have the winner in my head.🤗
oh I can't wait!!!!!
I just got my report card, btw.
😱you did?!? I didn't get mine!!! Were we supposed to get it today?!?) AHHHH!!! BTW: I hope and bet you got really good grades.💯✅👍🏼
you get it during your conference with Mrs. Ellis, so no. I didn't get what I was looking for. out of 14 number grades, I got 11 fours and 3 threes, and all Es on the back.
the back is letters, and everything was an E. on the front, it's numbers. there were 14 grades, and I got 11 out of 14. in case you didn't understand the first one. :( I was aiming for a perfect four!!! 😢
Aw it's okay!! That's still a great grade!!! You should be proud!! Now I'm a little nervous, I want a really good, or maybe even perfect grade!
thank you, but it's not what I hoped for. I want a perfect four! you'll get a perfect four for sure. :(
Probably not.
probably will. :)
how was your conference and grade? I bet you did wonderful.