Does anyone know what's wrong with my kindle it's not running and videos type on it YouTube bing Google yahoo nothing that's a video


Does anyone know what's wrong with my kindle it's not running and videos type on it YouTube bing Google yahoo nothing that's a video

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may we ask that you please stop asking our sister for her phone number and email? she is unhealthy and does not need to be asked for such things. no response is needed, all we ask is that you please stop asking for personal information. any such behavior with resin in a block. thank you. sincerely, Mike, Abby, and Emma
I stopped pay attention plus I know but I also have problems of my own look at one of the remixes of my monitor
oh just to let u know I'm not asking her number I gave her mine her choice plus when I give my number I don't get here's and I help not do phsyco things like others