Which costume


Which costume

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Because I'm a Christian, a Christ follower, I will say none! I don't celebrate Halloween, because it all goes against God.
awe that's sweet but this isn't for me I just think they are pretty
Exscuse me but can you leave your rude comments to yourself. Honestly I don't care if you don't like my collages but its extremely rude to just go out there and say "I hate this" I work really hard on my collages and to get to 10.6K and I don't won't people going out and thinking that they can just comment on my stuff saying they hate it. it's really rude and I hope you don't do it again😁
I'm a Christian 2
guys I hope you comment nicely
look just because your a Cristian doesn't mean you can be rude to other people. I am a Cristian too and I know that Halloween isn't the best holiday but I still celebrate it but I dress as good things I will lever dress as a devil,sprit,or any thing bad. And I know that God and Jesus wouldn't like people being rude to other people so please stop threatening me😁