My entry to the queenofplutos contest! I know that it's really similar to my girl power collage, but I'm running out of inspiration! If you guys have any suggestions let me know.


My entry to the queenofplutos contest! I know that it's really similar to my girl power collage, but I'm running out of inspiration! If you guys have any suggestions let me know.

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... shucks they're almost exactly the same😂
I have taken some I used in the past but these are those ones from the internet
thanks for the likes!!!
love this!
I really like your posts🤩🤩
thank you so much!
They are going up on Friday- not many people posted their entries yet! I will formally post this in a sec! Sorry! Love your entry tho!
I love your collages
thanks for the reminders about the contest I entered my collage but urs is sooooo good 💖👌🏼
My favorite Hamilton Character is probably Arron Burr or Washington or Peggy(lol that was a lot)