Collage by jewelll


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i promise angel. *nods as i place my hand gently on the side of your cheek*
*grins as i stroke my thumb along your jawline* such a pretty baby
*picks you up, holding underneath your thighs* better?
*grins as i bounce you up and down gently, walking over to the couch to sit down, still holding you closely*
*whispers softly as i run my fingertips up and down your spine gently* are you tired, little one?
are you sure? *grins as i place my hands on your hips, squeezing softly* if you’re not tired, i was thinking maybe we could finish what we started last time we spoke. do you remember that kitten?
*brings my lips to your ears, and reaches under your skirt, placing two of my fingers on your cl-t lightly* exactly, and maybe even more, doll
*curls my fingers up your cl-t once and grins as i remove my hand then nods* alright. let’s go upstairs then, yes?
or should we just stay here? *raises my eyebrows a bit as i reach back under your skirt, placing those two fingers back on your cl-t*
*reaches down to remove your hand from my length, grinning softly as i place my fingers back on your cl-t teasingly* shh, i’m not focused on myself at the moment. relax, kitten
*leans in to kiss your lips softly, starting to stroke your cl-t lightly*
*starts to rub in soft circles, moving my lips to your neck, beginning to s-ck softly*
*mumbles against your neck sternly as i smack your cl-t softly with my hand, grinning* hold still, kitten
mhm good girl *grins as i slide one finger halfway into you, watching your reactions intently*
shh, it’s alright kitten. relax. *nods reassuringly and slides it the rest of the way in, starting to curl it slightly*
*curls it a bit more, hitting your g-sp-t as i kiss along your neck softly*
*uses my thumb to rub your cl-t softly, along with continuing to curl my finger*
*grins as i continue, starting to slowly apply more pressure to your cl-t when i rub* you like that kitten?
good girl *grins as i nod, slipping a second finger halfway into you, now that you’re more relaxed£
*bites my lower lip gently as i feel myself starting to grow harder, curling my fingers to hit your g-sp-t again*
*grins as i feel your squirt on my fingers, growing even harder, then looks at you* it’s alright kitten, you’re doing so, so good for me *nods reassuringly as i continue to do the same thing, but goes at a bit faster if a pace*
relax kitten, let it out *grins as i feel your walls tighten around my fingers*
good girl, princess *smiles as i remove my fingers, smacking your cl-t playfully* give me your hand, angel
*takes your hand, placing it softly on my hard length* do you want this kitten?
*nods and grins softly as i slowly undo my belt, taunting you with questions* how bad do you want it angel? can you use your words to tell me?
*nods as i pull my pants halfway down, teasingly* yes, but i’d like to teach you something first
*nods as i watch your curious fingers, nibbling on my bottom lip* that’s correct princess
*shudders just slightly and grins as i grip your wrist to stop you from going any further* what a little tease you are already
*whispers softly under my breath as i grin* so innocent. *raises my voice a bit* sit on your knees kitten, on the floor
*stands up slowly, pulling my length out of my pants, starting to lightly stroke myself as i glare down at you*
*places my free hand on the bottom of your chin, pulling down slightly* open your pretty little mouth, princess *continues to stroke myself slowly and lightly*
*slides my thumb into your mouth, gently forcing it to open more* there you go, little one
*allows you to do so as i slowly push my thumb back, testing your gag reflex* such a pretty baby
*removes my thumb, replacing it with the two fingers that were inside you earlier, pushing them halfway into your mouth* can you s-ck on these for me princess?
good girl *feels my body starting to relax from your touch, pushing my fingers slightly farther into your mouth*
*groans softly before gripping on your wrist, removing your hand from my shaft* no more touching unless you’re told doll. do you understand?
*removes my fingers, placing my hand around the base of my length, stroking lightly* keep your mouth open
*places my tip softly on your tongue, allowing you to adjust to the feeling* you’re such a good listener princess
*slides more of my length into your mouth as i groan quietly under my breath*
*places my hand over your chin, closing your mouth slowly so your lips are around my shaft* now, you can s-ck princess. like you were doing before, do you remember?
*holds your hand against my stomach as i lean my head back slightly, groaning quietly in pleasure*
*quickly bends down and laughs softly as i pet your head* it’s alright angel, you didn’t hurt me. it’s a good noises, like what you were dont earlier. when you felt good?
i absolutely promise angel *nods as i pat your head once* do you want to continue?
*slides my length back into your mouth slowly, groaning under my breath*
*squeezes your hand softly in pleasure as i groan a bit louder*
*mumbles under my breath as i tangle my fingers in your hair* f—ck kitten
hush *grins as i close your lips by placing my hand on the bottom of your chin once again*
*groans louder as i start to tug on your hair*
*gently begins to thrust myself into your mouth, my tip hitting the back of your throat a few times as i speak under my breath* i know you can take it, kitten
*tugs on your hair as i continue to thrust, going a bit deeper, letting out a louder groan than the other ones*
god you’re doing so good for me baby *closes my eyes as i continue, groaning*
*flexes my length in your mouth, grinning as i watch your reactions*
*grins as i let go of your hair, gently pulling my length out of your mouth, stroking myself a bit faster this time* youre very good at that, little one
come sit on my lap again princess, i think it’s time i teach you something else *nods as i sit down, my length still in my hand*
hi angel *grins as i press my lips against yours, lifting your skirt up from the back*
*mumbles against your lips as i smile softly, placing my hands on your a-s gently* i can’t get enough of you princess
i can give you butterflies in other places as well kitten *grins as i reach under your skirt, pinching your cl-t just slightly to get your attention*
alright *grins as i take the base of my length in my hand, tapping it on your cl-t softly* are you ready to try something else?
*nods as i place my fingers in my mouth to get the wet, then places them on your cl-t, then back onto your entrance*
*lines my tip up with your entrance and snaps to get your attention back on me*
*furrows my eyebrows a bit when you don’t take notice and raises my voice, speaking sternly* angel.
*squeezes your cheeks softly as i force you to look at me, grinning softly* i want you to relax for me, that’s all kitten. and stay relaxed. tell me you understand
*nods as i place my hand on the back of your neck, kissing your lips passionately but slowly, inching my length into you only a bit*
*slides about halfway into you as i let out a grown against your lips, kissing you back deeply*
*groans loudly as i start to thrust into you slowly, wrapping my arms around your body*
*pushes a bit farther into you each time i thrust, closing my eyes as i start to s-ck gently on your neck*
*groans and grins against your neck as i whispers softly* good girl
*slows down my thrusting as i allow you to continue bouncing*
*takes ahold of your hips as i help you bounce, groaning softly* let it out kitten, it’s alright
*continues to bounce you, grinning as i feel you release, groaning softly* f—ck
*helps you to sit down fully on my length as i grin, squeezing your hips softly*
*groans quietly against your ear, gripping onto your hips as i start to move them back and forth slowly*
*runs my finger tips down your back as i stop moving your hips, kissing your forehead softly* are you alright angel?
mhm *grins as i start to slowly move your hips again*
*continues and slips off your shirt, starting to l-ck softly around your n—pples*
*begins to s-ck softly, moving your hips a bit faster now*