🍌 yellow bf v 🍌 about everything regarding jonghyun i have a really tough time dealing with it, and it is pretty triggering for me and i dont change my icon or post to much about it, its not that i dont care but its just too hard to deal with this


🍌 yellow bf v 🍌 about everything regarding jonghyun i have a really tough time dealing with it, and it is pretty triggering for me and i dont change my icon or post to much about it, its not that i dont care but its just too hard to deal with this

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re:// glad to hear you had a good time:) @caption; I know it’s really so heartbreaking:”( my thoughts and my love go out to everyone that was affected. If you need to talk to someone about it, talk to them. it can really helpπŸ’•
and this is so pretty omg!
I know I’m extremely late but if you ever need to talk to anyone about Jonghyun (or anything) I’m here. He really meant a lot to me and. ow that he’s gone I just don’t know what to do. I miss him so much but I know others are hurting a lot more than me. I hope everything gets better and you are happy and able to smile ❀️