Collage by katelynIM5_5erforever


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sorry I wasn't on my iPad was changing
it's ok sis
wait can you remix it again I don't see it,
your welcome
your welcome sis
we still rping
yes we are sorry my phone is like not wanted to go off
respond please
sorry I was asleep
still there
you can decide what the twist it
so what will it be
I love it sis good
hey sis sorry I wasn't on it is a long story of what happens I can tell you if you want me to
sure sis you can tell me
okay so first before I tell you do you have snow where you live
sis do you wanna know
well it's more like hail but yeah
you can tell me
me to hail well anyways so the reason why I responded so lat is because my power went off
for all those hours
oh its ok sis
so it had finally came back on and yea
so in the dark with no light no anything but the power finally had came back on
your welcome and man that had to suck
yup it sure did
well at least you have it back
yes I was so happy when it came back on I was like yaaaaaaas
lol yeah
lol I am serious not joking
I would've had the same reaction
yup lol
lol it sucked really bad like ugh
yeah lol it's ok I ate the most nastiest jelly bean from my Harry Potter every flavor beans box
eww I never did that challenge before
we're you watching the marathon that was on today and yesterday
yes I was watching the whole weekend with my wand and robe and everything
my brother was watching it to
lol I have almost the whole school uniform lol
lol my brother has like all the books
he says I am crazy for not liking it
I was like sorry I just don't fit that
sorry sis
it's ok sis
lol thanks at least you understand he said I am crazy for saying I don't lien it lol like really tho
your welcome
so yea I tries watchs the one part today and I don't t like it really
well you have to watch from movie one in order to understand everything
yea I didn't really understand it but yea lol I will if they do a marathon again
lol I'm such a freak about it
lol so is my brother like he says the thing after they do and everything
which house does he like. I like gryffindor
I d k
I would have to I guess ask him that but yea
lol I already have a wand well Harry's wand
lol I don't my brother does but I can ask him
ok lol
he said no he said he wish he did tho lol but yea
lol that's actually what I'm doing for Halloween
cool but wait are t you a bit to old you said you were 17
lol honestly I don't care and yes I'm 17 a lot of the adults in my neighborhood still dresses up
lol so do they in my neighborhood
lol I am on,y 13 so I kinda still can but me and my brother went trick or treating and he is 16
ah ok lol I do the passing of the candy
cool we don't pass out candy CUZ we be out trick or treating
wish I was still young but yet I want to go to college
I do want to get married and have kids too
are you a senior or junior in high school because my brother is a junior because he is 16
I'm a junior
I'm suppose to be a senior but because my birthday is in September it kinda pushed me back a year
oh okay cool tho
me Katie and briar and Brianna are in 8th grade
yeah and that's cool
yes I hate school no one even likes me here
not true
no I do
well welcome to my world
*looks down and says it is so hard to deal with
it is...I mean I'm happy with Nikia and everything it's just by me everyone hates me and I just I hate myself
no sis lease don't say that please don't I am about to cry please don't please isn't say say please
I'm sorry*looks down*
please no*cries a little and says no
I'm not cutting...I can't...
I want to stay to stay here...
Cause I love you guys so much and Nikia and my friends that I have I'm not leaving
good good please don't
good *hugs you and says you have a bay on the way to
*hugs*and the baby is a boy
omg really awwww tang is great
yeah we are both excited and they are both healthy
its twins
no*giggles*nikia and the baby is healthy
oh okay well I still would have been happy if it was
I'm excited for the baby
me to Nikki (I call her that) is my best friend so I am happy for her and you
ipad is dying plus it is real real late where I live so ttyl in the morning
thank you sis
your welcome ttyl
talk to you later
hey sisy 😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😄😛😛😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😃😃😃😝😝😝😃😄
hey sis❤️😊😊😊😄😄😄
can we do twist
sure what twist
lily and Kate gets back friends then Kate and lily are doing it in their bed when Kyle gets home
no that's too much lol just get lily to sit by the door and Kyle talks to her
please I will let you chose the next twist
but wait what does Kyle and lily so
but I don't want them to break up
they would kiss and Sam will go to me and I go see and then she takes off with Kyle this time
sure but they won't break up I promise
so what your telling me is that Kyle will see her and he talks to her.then they drive off and so something
lily will make him go with her and lily will try to do stuff to him cause he can't hit a girl unless it's a defense
oh oaky this is a good one
I did take some self defense lessons so yeah
lol cool my sis can fight
kinda lol more like against a guy though
it's nice to know I know a lot
well some of the stuff I learned can be for girls too
omg my iPad is dying I will rp with you when it is done charging okay
ok love you sis
I'm leaving-Ashley
yay thanks
thank you
hey sorry I am back sorry I was at my cousins house
hey it's ok
thanks and are we still rping
yeah I responded
omg guess what I just relized
what sis
we done this rp for like a week and a half lol I have never did an rp that long
lol it's a good rp
we shoudk do to rp
a twist?
I mean two
oh yeah we can
so what will it be sis sis mom daughter or dad daughter or coach player
you chose
it can be sis
okay I can be the little sis(15)
(dirty right)
yeah but on a different collage
so check out the other rp
sis I am on
Nikia had the baby