All through their quirks are all the same except each one has a 2nd  quirk that is different  bottom one has telepathy 
The middle one has Mind read
And the top one has Quick plan Quick plan allows her to make a plan and 10 seconds or less and it’s mainly


All through their quirks are all the same except each one has a 2nd quirk that is different bottom one has telepathy The middle one has Mind read And the top one has Quick plan Quick plan allows her to make a plan and 10 seconds or less and it’s mainly

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all of their first quirk is the exact same it’s called assassin he give them superspeed so you run three times fast as a normal human teleportation and summon a blade The top person is a girl her second work is called quick plan she can make a plan in 10 seconds or less and it’s mainly full proof the middle one is a girl hers is mine read and the bottom one is a guy his quirk is telepathy
I meant quirk not work sorry😅
If you guys don’t give me some I’m just gonna have some friends in like three hours
I fxcked up and forgot my password So come check my new account