Do you ever stalk yourself or is that a me thing?
Like, I go through all my posts, not to delete old ones or see how I could improve or something like that, I genuinely stalk my own account the way I would look through someone else's account.


•Noot• Do you ever stalk yourself or is that a me thing? Like, I go through all my posts, not to delete old ones or see how I could improve or something like that, I genuinely stalk my own account the way I would look through someone else's account.

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@caption saaame😂😂
Yayyy I'm relatableeee. cx
I stalk myself too
Btw sometimes I see the beginning of your captions and I'm like yep and don't read the rest of it because I know what you're talking about with like two words and relate
I know.
It's just to the point and you just relate.