Yes you can get a little bit of hÖOOOÉEEÈ


•KAcHiCkA• Yes you can get a little bit of hÖOOOÉEEÈ

26 0
what is Tae doing idek but I can relate
Also Tae's jawline popping
holy cräp it is jfc łmao
I always hear this lyric and "can I get a little bit of höééé"... idk if that's actually the real thing but I hear it as that too 😂😂
Taehyungs jawline is sharper than my #2 pencil before a test 😂😂
I'm laughing bc I've just noticed everyone in the background doing the same arm thingy 💪🏻 łmao
I'm p sure he's saying "hope" but like I'm not hearing the p at all sorry Namjoon nice try though
s a m e
They're all getting a little bit of hÓeee
I m n o t t h e o n l y o n e h e a r i n g t h i s o m f g
I hear this every time stg
bitter hoe