Collage by BabyAdoptions


41 19
He's cute
Hi Lukas!
Hi Lukas, can we talk here in the comments? -Kneels down and high fives him-
owf course 😊 *laughs and high fwives back*
-Smiles- So I heard you like music?
*nwods quickly*
Arwh that's cute! I am a singer and a songwriter. I write songs and I sing them on big stages around the world.
Show me your favourite toy ☺️
ooh dats cool! MWESH FAVW TOY IS... DINO!! *grabs dinosaur* RAWRR
-Laughs and tickles his stomach- Haha roar πŸ™ˆ
*lwaughs loudly* woo is a big dinosaur!
I know it's cool. I'll introduce myself. I'm Leo Jamie Walker. I'm 18 years old. Go onto my page, and look at my bio (all about me) page and get somebody to read it to you, then you will know a little bit more about me
I am a big dinosaur arnt I
woo English? mesh is twoo! woo is vewy nice
Arwh thank you. And roar!!! -tickles stomach again- I'm from Essex England.
mesh is near dere! *lwaughs more and makes Scawy face*
I'm going to eat you up! Big dino is hungry. -laughs-
nwo! woo have to eat Peas! YUCKY! *lwaughs*
AWRH so what do you want to do?
hmm.. have woo got a phone
Yes πŸ™ˆ I have iphone6s+
I have a 12 year old sister too. She's called Ella πŸ™ˆ
can mesh see it?
twelve? dat iws old! but woo oldest! *laughs*
Are you calling me old? -smiles- and yeah sure. -Takes out phone-
Do you want to go to the park?
*gwiggles* Wes woo old! *lwooks at iwt* ooo big!
-Carries him to the park- and puts him on the ground, let's play tag.. you can't catch me -runs really slow-
Wes I can! *lwaughs and chases woo*
-smiles- oh no you got me!!
ywayy! woo it
-Kneels down, I'm back!-
How would you feel if me and my girlfriend adopted you?
Wumm mesh don't Weally know.
Well have a think about it -Smiles and runs after him, Tag I got YOO!!-
otay *laughs and rwuns* oh no! *grins and starts chasing after woo and falls over* ow *pouts*
-Picks him up- You okay there buddy?
-Rubs his leg gently, See my magic rub makes everything better- Gives him a hug, throws him in the air and catches him, ruffles his hair and let's him run again-
I've got to go now bud, we can carry on later, I'll comment again when I'm back!
fank woo d-daddy.. oh weah I decided woo can :) (pwease go talk to the head of this account on thwe first page!)
if u want, I can adopt you too
Arwh thanks, I haven't discussed it with my girlfriend though so be patient little man πŸ’•
I ❀️ his eyes
otay Leo
Morning Lukas Buddy. Me and my girlfriend think your perfect. So we have adopted you, Go onto LucyXx to meet your mummy
yway! good morning back to woo daddy! mesh wuv woo :) mesh already have :)
Arwh I love you too son. -Gives hug- did you have a nice sleep?
*hugs woo back* Wes it was vewy good woo?
Yeo I had a good sleep too thanks. Want any breakfast?
*nwods* Wes mesh is vewy hungy
Okay then -Tickles his tummy, Picks him up from his bed and carries him downstairs, Puts on the Thomas the tank engine on tv and then lays him on the sofa- Cooks pancakes and cuts them up into tiny pieces. Can you feed yourself or do you want me to feed you?
*gwiggles at Thomas and plays with pillow* mesh can feed myself
-Smiles- -Gives him the plastic fork, knife and plate. Eat up Lukie
mmm pancwakes! *sticks fork in a peice and eats up*
-Smiles, makes myself a cup of tea- should we go get you dressed once you have eaten that?
*nwods and finishes up* wessy
-Takes plate and washes- -Picks him up on my shoulders and runs upstairs, laughs-
-Opens the door to his room, Your room is light blue with your name written on the door. You have got a cot, wardrobes a TV on wall and a bed
oooh dis is nwice!
-Opens the wardrobe and picks some clothes. I pick a White tshirt, black skinny jeans and some red vans. -Brushes and styles his hair- Then gets myself dressed into a blue vest tee and some skinny jeans.
yeah! we are vewy cool dudes *giggles and pwoses*
I heard your friend is coming over later? Should we go to the park with him?
iwt is a girl πŸ™ˆ BWUT mesh would wuv go park wid her!
Arwh. Of course we can go to the park. what's her name?
bwooke she is on da account
Oh. We can take a picnic if you like?
wessy we wuv food for big big tummy! *lwaughs*
Well you have to share with big dino? he gets hungry too -laughs-
-Helps him go downstairs and unlocks the backdoor- Look this is our garden and we got a new slide and swing for you to play on. Gives him his jacket, I'll be inside if you need me. -Hugs-
woo can have a wittle tiny bit Becuase little dinosaurs have to have lwots so we cwan become BIG!
-Laughs- Arwh your cute
fank woo daddy woo are cute too *gwiggles*
hi buddyπŸ’•
I know -smiles- I'm very cute -laughs-
Hewo mummy and dwaddy
Heya Lukie! When's Brooke coming over?
in a few minutes *giggles*
Okay, I'll sort out the picnic ☺️
would you like to help me?
ywayy! *a few minutes later they iws a knock on da door*
-Picks up Lukas and opens the door-
*gets excited a blushes bit*
Brooke: *giggles and waits*
-Picks up Brooke in my other arms, closes the door and takes to the kitchen- I'm taking you both on a picnic. I've just made the food. We have ham, cheese and jam sandwiches, sausage rolls, skittles and haribos. πŸ’―
-Takes their hand and walks to the park. Okay now you guys go have fun. I'll be here on the bench watching you... -Sets out a picnic-
Brooke: mmm wummy! Lukas: MesH daddy has best food ever! *high gives bwooke*
-Laughs- It's getting late
*both gets excited and nods*
should we go home
you're so cuteπŸ’—
fank woo mummy!
no problem cutie *smiles*
- -Picks Up Lukas and Puts Him on my back and runs around the field
-Tickles him and roars! Big dino is gunna eat u up-
daddy... :(
what's wrong?
mesh feel sick..
-Pats his back gently, and then gives him a spoonful of medicine, reads him a bedtime story, kisses him goodnight and walks out of his room
*slowly falls sleep*
Lukas, I'm going away or awhile. I'll miss you! Be good for mummy! I'll be back soon though okay. -Hugs and kisses his head, Tickles his tummy-
-Tickles- I'm back but I won't be online all the time because I'm really busy with work. And you like music? I might sing you a song when it's finished hehe
-Picks him up and tickles him- hey little fella