Collage by MoreDepressedSmiles


6 8
I hope it works
hey, if ur into fashion and stuff u should check out my account๐Ÿ’“ check it out๐Ÿ’“๐Ÿ’“ ty ๐Ÿ’•
hey u doing ok today i met dead-on-the-inside today lol
cat talikng makes it netter whats wrong
im worried about you have u broken up with kat has someone died please say somtging
bye but when u get back tell me why u r not ok xx
ok. be safe.
it's going good is what I've been told
sorry kittie bothered u if she did she was just stressed
hey are you okay?
what can I do? please tell me I want to help. I want to help you with anything, so please tell me what's going on. how is it your fault? what can I do to help you? can I even help you at this point?
ok. but please don't do anything harmful to yourself. I really do love you and I don't want anything to happen to you. please be safe. please stay alive fren, please be safe.
do you want me to at least delete the things I've posted?
thanks xx
sorry I got scared. ily xx
ur back