made 100% of it on Pic Collage so that's why it's icky


made 100% of it on Pic Collage so that's why it's icky

1 0
Hi! Round three has been posted. You have until August 17 to get your entry in. If scores aren't yet posted I'll still be taking entries. If you have any questions feel free to ask me. Good luck! 💓
hi! your round three entry is due in two days, on August 17. If I have not yet posted the scores I'll still be taking entries. good luck 💕
you weren't the one eliminated 😊
hi, round four is up. it ends Monday August 29. make sure to include your user and team name in your entry. if you haven any questions let me know. good luck 💕
that's alright, if you need we can find a different way like if you want to message me your entry on something I can do that if it still isn't working right
hi, your round four entry is due tomorrow (Monday August 29) so make sure to enter 😊 if the scores are not yet posted, I'll still be accepting entries. if you have any questions let me know. good luck 💙
Hi! Round five has been posted and it's due September 7. If you have any questions let me know. Good luck 💘