I'm the Gamer/Sleepyhead. Literally I'm always tired even when I get a good amount of sleep ๐Ÿ˜“


I'm the Gamer/Sleepyhead. Literally I'm always tired even when I get a good amount of sleep ๐Ÿ˜“

51 0
the eccentric tbh
lolol the side character
sleepyhead or eccentric
The clingy lover
The Sleepyhead and Side Character
omg Amber XD
the gamer
or the bookworm
the gamer/the idol wannabe tbh
the gamer, sleepy head, side character, and the eccentric lmaรธ
-I'm the side character
-I'm seriously invisible to everyone
Sleepy head and good friend
Im the one who gets mistaken as a bookworm but is actually reading fanfic
I'm the gamer
Probably the eccentric
side chickโ€ฆ/:/