Tap the monkey πŸ™Š
HelloπŸ˜„I've found many photos that I wanna use for my collages so you'll be expecting many this month! #Inspired 
QOTD: If you can go anywhere in the entire world( or universe ) where would you go?


Tap the monkey πŸ™Š HelloπŸ˜„I've found many photos that I wanna use for my collages so you'll be expecting many this month! #Inspired QOTD: If you can go anywhere in the entire world( or universe ) where would you go?

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AOTD: London England or Australia!
thank you! and ikr right wow! it's going good, practices start next week. all my friends got roles and I'm a cheerleader in the ensemble yayπŸ™„ what's up with u?
actually me. I have to choose my classes soon and im clueless. im studying rn and on pc on the computer procrastinating haha
yeah sure!πŸ˜‚guys can be so annoying, Ik what u mean
I painted it for fun. πŸ˜€ awww thx :) 😍
thanks! ur soo good at making collages!😊 I'm sort of new so I'm trying to figure out how to do all these cool effects and e/t..
well u sure r amazing!! art is not one of my talents so I'm not as good I'm more of the dance and singing type
u shud totally join a sport!! I hate sports πŸ˜‚but I do LOVE reading!!!!
is it good? I'm in middle of a book we have to read for skl... it's torture!!! it's called animal farm I srsly fell asleep trying to read it!!
hiya I'm Yumna! wassup?
I like fiction too and fantasy! I also love princess books!πŸ˜‚
yea that's me! thanks!
I love the name Melissa!
ME TOO! STARBUCKS IS BAE! Can we please talk in my chat page because every time I go on my most recent post where everyone texts me, PicCollage crashes
Ok! Much better! You can call me Blue!
Tell me some stuff about yourself Melissa! And I will tell you some stuff about me!!πŸ’•
That's ok!
hahaha! it's actually funny cuz I never read the hunger games or divergent I don't like books where ppl die.... I did read the selection tho I love it!!
I have to warn you tho I am very weird!πŸ˜‚
I love reading too!!! I am 7th grade
it's a series abt a girl who tries out to be a princess in a a selection where the prince chooses and e/o has a # which determines how important u r in society so she is a 5 and the prince is obv a 1 so there's a little chance she'll win and she's also in love with a diff childhood boyfriend which she's not really allowed....it's amazing!
yup! I can't believe u never heard abt it! it's pretty famous!πŸ’•
gtg Melissa ttyl! ❀️