Chat board for me and Madilyn


Chat board for me and Madilyn

18 0
hey what you doing
you in
hey I'm on
cool what you doing
thanks for the spam you get a follow πŸ˜‚
your welcome πŸ’š^
I am doing homework, what about you
I am laying in bed doing nothing I can't sleep
aww what time is it where u live
wow lucky
what is your favorite movie?
black stallion or real steel
The Fault In Our Stars
cool never seen it I'll check it out
ok cool, wanna play truth or dare?
hey can we do it tomorrow
sorry I'm about to go to bed I have a headache and I need to go to bed
I'm so sorry
no it's ok I understand
hope your headache goes away
thank I'll talk to you tomorrow and I promise we can be then
ok have a good night πŸ’ž
you to
hey I'm up are you
sorry had to go to school but I can talk now
ok cool
oh hey
what's up
nothing homework
cool, I'm watching a movie in class
at you in school
yes for 20 more minutes
oh what time is it there
ok I know I am dum and the only person not what you do on a rp
what do you do on a rp
it is 2:20 and roleplay is where you pretend that you are with the person you are chatting with like in person to make it feel more real
oh ok thanks I now I'm dum
no problem and your not dumb
oh thanks
so let me k ow when your out of school
know when your out of school
I'm out
cool sorry doing dishes I'll text you later in a min really
what's up
nothing you
I have to go to bed in a min. talk tomorrow sorry I been busy bye
aww ok bye
hey I'm at school but hey
hey what's up
hey u on
cool what you doing
in math class
what about you
I'm watching tv
what show
the middle it's a show
bye have to go to dance talk later?
hey what's up
nothing you
we're is Josie I don't see her on my account anymore did she leave.😭😭😭😭😭😭
on my way home and she blocked us probably because her sister raenna texted me and said Josie never liked me
and that she lied to me 😭😭
I feel bad for you
I want to be her friend
she deleted it
hey you on
yes I am
hey I'm sad her sister said Josie didn't like he either
aww I'm so sorry
well it's fine I have other friends
me too especially you!
yea I really meant you to
your really pretty and nice
oh thanks but you are you really
no problem
I'm so bored
well have to go in few
I'm bored too and ok
what you doing
In school, wbu
on spring Break at home
I don't get out til next week
well what are you doing in school right now
I'm in Spanish class
oh cool
I would love to go to Spanish class I hate staying home
really? I'm the complete opposite, I would love to stay homeπŸ˜‚ but then again I love seeing my friends everyday
yea but staying home gets boring
yea that's true
I'm watching my brother to so...
Oh really? how old is he
Im good, how are you
hey you on sorry had a birthday party going on I would talk but I was busy well text me back
hey I'm on
hey sorry the walking dead was on it was the end of the season so I. could not miss it
but hey how are you
I'm good, how are you
hey sorry my grandma came over
I'm good what you doing
Im in school, my last week until spring break and then my best friend Jessica and I are going to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk and going shopping and she is spending the night at my house for two days
yea, so what's up
nothing was watching my brother
hey want to talk
hey and yea
what u doing
homework what about you
I don't know Madilyn