I ' m  n o t  o k a y. 
I ' m  r e a l l y  s a d. 
B u t  n o  o n e  c a r e s
I m  just an obnoxiously annoying little wannabe who's really annoying and attention wanting. 
That's what everyone thinks of me
When all I really want to do is hide from so


I ' m n o t o k a y. I ' m r e a l l y s a d. B u t n o o n e c a r e s I m just an obnoxiously annoying little wannabe who's really annoying and attention wanting. That's what everyone thinks of me When all I really want to do is hide from so

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AVERY. STOP. you are so much more than that. you can't put yourself down like this. I know it's probably harder than I understand, but please? you don't need other people's approval. don't let them influence you. please, love, stay strong. I wish you would stop hating yourself.
I don't understand. I can't relate. but I'm trying to help you so that I don't need to. does that make sense?
thank you. you are making me feel better. thank you for always being there for me. thank you so much. I guess I just really need a hug from someone. thank you...
you're welcome. I'm always here to talk to you. I so so wish I could hug you right now 😂
*hUg fuRiOusLy beCauSe yOu'rE a wOnDerFuL pErSoN*