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@Samchees here is your imagine, it's isn't that romantic because I am not that good at writing that stuff. Your second imagine should be out a little later


• tap here • @Samchees here is your imagine, it's isn't that romantic because I am not that good at writing that stuff. Your second imagine should be out a little later

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(Imagine Jungkook isn't an idol...sorry but it's for the imagine. Also I'm horrible at anything romantic so yeah this imagine sucks. @Samchees I decided to make you 2 imagines because neither of them are that romantic and I feel bad.)
"Happy birthday!" Jungkook said. "Thanks." Sam replied. "You forgot to get me something." Sam said playfully. Jungkook chuckled in embarrassment. "Well I wanted to take you out." He said. "What?" Sam said. "I wanted to take you out on a date." He said. "you're joking, right?" Sam asked. Jungkook sighed, "No I'm not joking, I really like you." He said. "I thought you had the same feelings, but I guess you don't." He said sadly. "No Jungkook, I like you too. I just didn't know you would confess." She said. "So you will go out with me?" He asked. "Of course Kookie." Sam said.
Jungkook and Sam went to a restaurant a few days later and through out the whole dinner(?) Jungkook kept on complementing Sam. She blushed multiple times. They both enjoyed the dinner and they went on multiple dates after. Jungkook asked Sam to be his girlfriend and she said yes. So far their relationship began on a great note.
Amazing!! Thank you so much!!!