Collage by galaxy_nerdsiblings


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what about??
hey ✌🏻️
up to you
do you have the week off?
today's my last day tell brake
I have the week off
it has been pretty slow
yeah same here in school
but I just get to watch anime all week to that is a plus
lucky I have to stay here in a room with people that hate me and when I come back from brake I have a test so yeah my life sucks
my language arts teacher said " ok annotate three chapters, answer the questions, and finish your vocabulary by the time we get back or there will be problems!!
🙄 Thanks Mrs. Williams
I guess our life's suck
school still gets ya on break
it will never leave
yeah our life sucks 😂😂
lol 😂
*sigh* my cat is in my closet because he is scared of the three year old in my house
they are leaving in like 2 hours tho
I'm just in a corner right now just hopeing no one sees or talks to me
lol me
will that's good
that is basically me at school
yeah I feel bad for my cat
the poor meow meow
Lol you should see him he is so fat
I don't blame him tho, I love food to
yeah don't we all 😂
just wanted to post something
shoot I gtg bye