this is my religion now. sorry if i offend any religious people personally i don’t particularly believe in any one entity but there’s prolly something out there lol. yes ik i’m going to heck just let me have this and spite my friend


this is my religion now. sorry if i offend any religious people personally i don’t particularly believe in any one entity but there’s prolly something out there lol. yes ik i’m going to heck just let me have this and spite my friend

8 1
hippity hoppity i don’t wanna see any háte comments on my property
i don’t want to see any háte comments on anyone’s property actually
if i do it’s yeetus deletus since you are obviously a fetus
I have respecc for this post
most people are too scared to have a picture of JESUS on their feed but ur a true hero
t h an k y o u
you have respect for thy freckled jesus
it’s my birthday y’all
haha thanks!
yess i hope your birthday is most epic uwu
it was vewy epic
I think I got too many presents łmao
lmaoo that’s nice doe i’m glad your birthday was good even in quarantine lol