I'm dying


I'm dying

28 1
*hugs u for no reason*
t-thank you.....
Whats wrong? ;-;
I... I don't know...
You dont?
I'm hurting inside and I don't know why
as a matter of fact I'm dying inside
what do you mean?
I don't know! I don't know anything anymore...
Sure you do.
tell me how you are dying inside is what I'm asking
no I don't! I'm so stupid. I'm ugly. inside and out
No you aren't, it's as simple as that, why do you think that about yourself?
because everything I touch either breaks or dies
I'm a monster
How so?
I don't know... it just happens
I bet it doesnt, maybe you just think it does. Listen, you are an amazing person and dont reject it, because you will be no matter what. You are a child of God, he loves and everyone else does to. He made you unique, you have to take that personality and make it your own, I know you can. I believe in you and so does God
if he loves me then why do I feel like dying
Thats the thing, you arent. He put up a challenge for you to overcome, and its this hard because He knows you can do it. He has a huge load of faith in you. And so do I
I'm failing his challenge then
like how I fail at everything
No you arent. You're giving up. Its a test, dont give up, you can do it! I know you you can!
sometimes hurdles are too high to jump
Not if you believe they aren't. Give me a reason why you aren't believing in yourself
because I'm a failure and I have nothing to believe in. my friends irl are scared of me, my best friend irl is drifting away from me, I can't control my anger, and almost everyone in my school despises me
my life is being torn apart
you can change it
I've done enough damage that it's impossible to change
perfect is a myth
I almost got ran over by a truck when I was three....
i deserve to die. you don't. I'm a little bich that ruins everything. I'm running around destroying everything without noticing it.
i know u more than you think. even if we know each other virtually.
your lying to yourself
i know that your kind, I know that your dying inside, I know that your beating yourself, I know that ur sweet and funny and creative, I know that your my best friend and I'm your best friend. on PicCollage anyhow.
I know that your ignorant to the fact that there are people who care about you very much.... like me
we all suck at things. I suck at life.
I laugh at your jokes
the jokes u make. you make me smile when I cry and I'm hurting. u might not realize it, but you're amazing just the way you are. I love the way you are. don't ever change anything about yourself.
* huggles * don't ever forget how great u r.