New pics i toke


New pics i toke

23 0
pretty 😀
thx im fxcking going crazy
hey are you 2 ok look I am adiens ex and I know that he loves you seleste and he' in love with you you guys were the cutest please get back together
i know but it doesnt matter anymore she doesnt like as much then the other guy
I like you both 😑
seleste just know that the other guy doesn't love you as much as adian does and his love for you is real the other one is probably a fake but Asdians real
i luved u so much i was going to find u and suprise u
aw u know wut atleast I know what u look like 😍 and baby I want you back
I am happy for you
*hugs u* thank u
kisses you both on the cheek I love you both as friends
no problem when I see a problem I fix it no matter what
kiss me on the lips lol jk ur a girl
*kisses seleste on lips*
*face is red AF*
cuz u kissed me for the first time 😱
and that is exciting 😝
well we were married
*kkisses u harder*
*wraps arms around you*
*kisses you back more*
*kiss u more and harder*
*kisses u * I missed you 😝
wanna rp
and i missed u too
um I can't rn I pe
I got PE
ok i will talk to u later
ok bye
aye I'm back
*hugs you* did ya miss me *kisses you*
hek yeh ive been waiting *kisses u*
*kisses you back*
so about the 5 million
awesome photography aidan!👍🏻👏🏻👌🏻
nice photos
all of my money is gone
I was sleeping babe sorry 💤
itz ok
took not toke.
stop correcting meh grammar
Where did u go?
Wat u mean