Mr. King


Mr. King

7 0
(okay thanks!)
Ava: What are you gonna teach us I know how to survive....
mr. king : ok have fun out in the wilderness all alone with nothing. no food. no water. no clothes.
mr.king: believe me you'll want to pay attention
celesta: ack. don't want that to happen to me. I only knows the basic. please teach me!!
Ava: Oh erm sorry sir 😐
mr. king: Ava that is fine I'm overreacting and celesta it's great to see you are excited for this class! oh and may I'm glad you feel that way
Hannah scurried into the classroom, coffee in hand. “So, so sorry I’m late! My last tutoring session ran longer than expected. The girl needed a lot of help!”
celesta: thanks mr King!!
Mr. King: Hannah your excused *glares and rolls eyes* and celesta your welcome!
Ava: (to Mr King) Thanks sir you aren't bad? I wonder why people say you are??
Ava: Well they just said that you were scary and they didn't know how to act with you cos they don't know do you are bad or evil but you are really nice!!!!
Mr. King oh I see well um that is nice of you...
Mr. King: *softens voice* Hannah it really alright please take a seat. Now the lesson shall begin
Ava: Thanks sir so what are we doing today?!!
Mr. King: ok class were would the best place to sleep if you were stuck in the woods being hunted and trying to survive
Mr. King: yes Hannah, your answer is?
Mr. King you misunderstood, I mean in the wilderness, were there is no one. Just you, the woods, and the animals
Hannah frowned. She was wrong, in other words. “Sorry,” she whispered.
Ava: Erm up a tree? Not many things can get you up there right?
Mr. King Hannah it's fine your one of our top students don't worrie and Ava very good you are correct! You are becoming a great student! You would want to sleep in a tree . You would take a belt and wrap it around your waistline and to tree then buckle it so you won't fall out of the tree
Ava: Yay... Hannah?!!! Goes sprinting after... *Knocks gently on bathroom door* Hannah you alright in there??
Ava: I’m not going to of my friends have left nobody’s perfect but you’re certainly smarter and than I am so don’t put yourself down and assume things because you are an amazing clever person and don’t let anyone tell you that you aren’t
Ava: That can’t have happen i must me dreaming she was one of my only true friends here and now she’s gone can I have some time please? 😭😭😭
celesta: Hannah??????