Comment on this collage for next week


Comment on this collage for next week

45 3
no i didn't get the idea from them
And I have someone to report! @colovrs_
they are stealing colours_ collages
Saturday was my first day to sign in I just used to make colleges and now I have 28 FOLLOWERS!
oh and BethersBeauty was hacking Sassybees
thx I now have 15 followers on Craftation :)
this seems kinda cool
please do me!! I got 61 followers in 3 days
enter my contest I am sure you will win first place
pic collage reports, there is someone named -RAINBOW_DASHIE-SUCKS who is hatin on Derpy_Muffinz and Rainbowdashie please ban her ps she might change her name back to Derpy_Muffinz_sucks but it's rainbow Dashie now !
hurry up plz she's making people go on private
OMG!!! thanks so much!!
yay!!!!! you saw mine I'm so happy!!!!
thank you so much
OMG! Thank you so much!!!!
enter my contests
some-more-smores wants 1k! 😊
and dancemomforlife is stealing collages!
I have a contest
ends this Saturday