Cat:ugh I'm 15 now thx Harley


Cat:ugh I'm 15 now thx Harley

14 0
Nejia:Happy birthday I think
cat:*smiles and kisses your cheek* thanks jia
Nejia: No problem love
cat:*smiles blushing ever so slightly*
Nejia: * Embraces you in a hug and suckb kisses your neck*
cat:*hugs back and giggles*
Nejia: * sucks your collar bone*
Nejia:* mumbles into the suck * I love you* bites your ear lob*
cat:*threw her purring* I love you too
Nejia: * pulls away and smiles*
Nejia:* leaves a hicky*
cat: *smiles*
Nejia: have you ever been skinny dipping*
cat:no but sounds fun
Nejia: you want to go? I have a privet lake
cat: yea sure
cat:just you and me?
Nejia: just you and me.* smiles sèxily*
cat:*bites her lip*alright let's go *grabs your hand*
Nejia:* leads you to the lake and takes off my cloths to show s9me well toned muscles * like what you see?
cat:as always *takes off her clothes* what about you *incredible fit but self concessions still*
Nejia: hèll yes * gets in and motions you to follow*
cat:*smiles and dives in*
Nejia: * smiles and wadds our and begins to swim outs *come here
cat:*swims over *
Nejia: * splashes water at her and smiles*
cat:hey! *smiles and splash back*
Nejia:* laughs and splashes back*
cat:*giggles and splashes back*
Nejia: * gets pulled under*
cat: Nejia? *still giggling slightly*
Nejia:* swims under you come up with you on my shoulders* hey!
cat:ah! *smiles and giggles looks down at your face* there you are
Nejia:* laughs *(gtg)
cat:*giggles and kisses your forehead*(kk)
Nejia:* laughs*
cat: hehe
Nejia: hold your breath* flings you off and into the water*
cat:*holds breath then goes under*
Nejia:* laughs*
cat:*still under swims over to you and pulls your leg*
Nejia:* smiles and goes under*
cat:*tail wraps around your leg*
Nejia:* smiles and kisses you underwater*
cat:*smiles and kisses back*
Nejia:* brings us up and keeps kissing you *
cat:*wraps my arms around your neck still kissing you*
Nejia:* wraps my arms around your waist and keeps kissing you *
cat:*tail moves up your leg*
Nejia:* straightens cuz I’m getting tickled*
Nejia: he* sûcks your bôobs*
Nejia: * keeps going and also fists you*
cat:sk-skinny dippings fun *moans a little*
Nejia: * nods and fists faster*
cat:*moans louder*
Nejia:* sucks harder and nibbles softly on your nîpple tip and fists deeper*
cat:*moans louder and cūms*
Nejia:*pulls out and lets it sit in the water and then kisses you *
cat:*kisses back*
Nejia:* swims towards shore pretty fast looking worried*
cat: everything okay?
Nejia: don’t look back
cat:*turns and looks back*
???:*a giant shark dorsal fin is sticking out of the water*
Nejia: that’s a shark
cat:son of a *swims back to shore* I really wanted to ride it
Nejia:*swims back also* there are fun to ride
cat:this is a lake why the fūck is there a shark in it?
Nejia: well you see this lake runs into the ocean so.... idk
cat:okay -_-
Nejia: sorry
cat:frigin shark
Nejia: yeah
cat:*kinda shaking*
Nejia: I wouldn’t let that shake attack you * hugs you *
cat:*hugs back* okay..
Nejia: we shouldn’t probably get dressed cuz there’s a storm coming
cat:*looks at the sky* yea *puts her clothes on*
Nejia: * puts my clothes on and tps to my house* welcome to my home*
cat:*smiles* nice
Nejia: btw there is a library and a indoor pool without sharks
cat:why'd there be sharks in the library?
Nejia: idk
Nejia: I love your smile
cat: I love your face *kisses your cheek*
Nejia:* smiles shall we eat?
cat:*smiles back* yeah
Nejia:what do you want eat love?
cat:burgers *smiles wide*
Nejia: alright I’ll get the grill ready
cat: alrighty can I look at the library while ya do that?
Nejia: course* walks out with matches and lights the grill and puts the burgers on and walks back and gets out a lot of seasoning*
cat:*goes to the library and looks around*
Nejia:* flips,y hamburgers*
cat:*pulls a book of the self and reads it*