Collage by Raine_George123


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welcome and thx
yep did you see what my ex comment on yours. I'm starting to cry
yeah I saw plz don't cry
ok I will try
I'm not the prettiest person all the boys I like like my closest of friends.
plz help me understand
I'm sorry it happens to me too guys are just not worth it and he isn't worth your tears you can do so much better than that Jerk!
thx you the best
your welcome and so are you!
do you know the song I don't wanna live forever. I love that song
no but I'll look it up real quick.
it's by Taylor swift and zayn
I like it hv you heard of the song I think I'm in Love?
no who's it by
Kay Dahila
I like it
aww thx
love you to