I'm on season 5 of Gilmore Girls, and because SPOILERS Rory and Dean ACTUALLY FOR REAL broke up the most LEGIT last time, I had a wallowing session watching my favorite Rory/Dean moments, even the terrible other two breakups. So now my wallowing


❤️Clix❤️ I'm on season 5 of Gilmore Girls, and because SPOILERS Rory and Dean ACTUALLY FOR REAL broke up the most LEGIT last time, I had a wallowing session watching my favorite Rory/Dean moments, even the terrible other two breakups. So now my wallowing

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continued from description: My wallowing session has brought you this. Also please remember to enter Round 4 of the Fandom Games, people!
I finished all of the seasons about a week ago, and during the last four episodes I cried like 4 times