Rate? 1-10!


Rate? 1-10!

99 0
hey! I'm here for the 2nd joint account?? is this where I comment?
sorry I just meant "joint account" lol
I'm interested 😊
no problem!
hello😘 I am here about the joint account. i mean what an honor except we are a joint account as is and we haven't yet revealed ourselves but you have invited one of us on our main but not the other. i don't know honestly if we can join as the joint account but on out mains I would think we would both happily join😘💕
I am so excited to follow this account when it comes out👏 I know I wasn't invited but the people you have invited seem amazing and this account will be the bomb.com😂 anyways please tell me when you start so I can advertise and follow😘 byeee
I am really sorry but my bestie is not here and I can't reveal myself unless we both agree to😊 super sorry