I'm not sure about this one.... BUT IT SOMEHOW TOOK FOREVER

QOTD) favorite hairdo?

AOTD) pig tail french braids and anything else that looks like a cool braid lol



I'm not sure about this one.... BUT IT SOMEHOW TOOK FOREVER QOTD) favorite hairdo? AOTD) pig tail french braids and anything else that looks like a cool braid lol {11•3•16}

44 0
amazing 💕
I'm fine...
Awesome!I love the Indians tho🔴🔵❤️💙
thanks I am too!
GalaxyStar88 says you made her a icon?I LOVE IT!!!Could you make me one like that but pink?TYSM
this is lovely what r u talking about?!? tysm for signing, finally I have a PC party buddy lol don't forget it's tomorrow 🎈🎁😘
Hi! I was wondering if you can make me an icon....I saw the icon you made for galaxystar88 and I am so jealous!!! My user name is Julieeorangee, by the way. Love your collages!
hey tinted_rain! it's me, GalaxyStar88, but on another account! can you make me a silver icon? and I may not use it immediately, but I will eventually use it!