Goodnight everyone


Goodnight everyone

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Ben: *stands and yawns*
Iris: *stands*
Ben: *musses up his hair*
Ben: being amazing *laughs*
Iris: *laughs*
Ben: heyyyy *laughs*
Ben: maybeee
Ben: nuuuuu *laughing*
Iris: *laughs*
Ben: *moves away, still laughing*
Ben: stoppppo *laughing*
Ben: yayyy *falls breathless with laughter onto the couch*
Iris: *shrugs and pokes his side*
Ben: AH IM UP *jumps up*
Ben: *grins and pokes you*
Iris/ *smiles playfully and holds you still*
Ben: *pokes you again*
Ben: *pokes you gently*
Ben/ *smiles and stops*
Ben: I'm so sorry!
Iris: what is it?
ha 1 question how old r u? u look 15
Ben: again I apologize *bites his lip*
Ben: ok. good
Ben: *sits on the couch*