Dodie why do u mess with my emotions like this ugGHHHHH also this is my last post tonight I promise, I just needed to rant real quick


Dodie why do u mess with my emotions like this ugGHHHHH also this is my last post tonight I promise, I just needed to rant real quick

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*internal screaming* yes Walking the Wire makes me think like the but nO I CANT DO THAT (yes I have a+ memes don't tell anyone)
yeah mine is in a few weeks, but I am still dreading it from afar
homecoming is just a lot of grīnding in a circle (the cool kids) and then the awkward kids on the outside trying not to stare at the grinders for too long
yeah i know right! 😂😆 dodie does mess with your emotions its mad
like the flipping instrumental literally makes me cry like wth