These are my favorite books by Becca Fitzpatrick


These are my favorite books by Becca Fitzpatrick

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mom please stop I am trying to be nice to him
well he needs to back up a lil bit
I was told you could help me....
with a "wolf" problem
yea I'm a love nurse I'm the one that was texting u on her account
ummm ok but I am a vampire yeh and I am dating a mortal "human" and there is this wolf fallowing me sayin I am his mate and that we belong together....I'm stuck
well ur not really stuck at all u said ur dating a mortal right
for a few months now
and have u bitten him yet
he has no clue what I am
if u haven't told him yet that means ur not attached to him as u may think u are
sooo what does this mean
the wold knows about me
wait so does the werewolf know about u
oops wolf
does he know about u
only the wolf he keeps claiming that we belong to be then he begins to breaking my heart
how much do u love the wolf
....I just feel weird around you know I need "want" him...u understand what I mean
yea I understand
now how much do u love the mortal
....I don't know I like him
well it's obvious that u want to be with the wolf because u don't even love the mortal as much as u love the wolf
...ok but what is a mate
a mate is a bf/gf
...oh I feel stupid
no its alright
thanks for your help
ur welcome if u ever need help u can come to me anytime