pointless rant in comments hahahhaimfineandbloodistotallynotleakingoutofmyvâgináhaha


pointless rant in comments hahahhaimfineandbloodistotallynotleakingoutofmyvâgináhaha

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i want to use tampons bc i don't like the feeling of my âss touching the blood that leaked out of it every single second of the day and it's just so unbearable and my mom won't fùcking let me i want to dīe so badly rn and i just want it all of it to end
oh my god why won't she let you that's so unfair
tampons are so much nicer i remember how gross the pad days were,, that really sucks that she won't let you
I can't say I relate (bc i don't like the feeling of stuff shoved up my vàgina lol) but dude that's terrible I'm so sorry
I hate pads I hate tampons I hate my period.
I hate being a guy with a period 😑
tampons are a no unless your not a virgin sister my fren tried it before she lost her virginity and it hurt a lot
^ old fren I hate her now
tampons are so much nicer, and idk what the person above me is talking about I'm like 23748302% definitely a virgin and it does not hurt
lol. i fùcking hate pads but tampons fùcking hurt the first time so i was like nope... *sigh* i hate periods. my mum is all like WHWRE TAMPONS!! {€*.<£}^¥.