I genuinely don't understand


I genuinely don't understand

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I'm conservative and I support gay rights
im a christian and i do not support it, but i will love everybody for who they are and accept them i just dont have to agree. but we are all equal so i will not say that im any better than them.
^^i love Christians like u like pls give every Christian ur kindness
awe haha i wish everyone saw it that way.
^your view is awesome. it's like saying, 'I don't really like mushrooms on my pizza, but if you order a mushroom pizza, I'm perfectly ok with that because it makes you happy.'
haha right! thank you. ☺️
aw mayn that's a nice opinion! I love people like you it's so awesome man cuz like you don't go around telling people how to live their lives
even if christians dont agree with homosexuals, we still need to love them because god does! and if its wrong, then so is lying and stealing, its all the same to god, we all sin differently.
I agree 100%
should i start posting ranty things on my acc? idk..but it makes for good conversations?! ^^
maybe! idk it's your account! I think it would be cool tho :)
im still tryna figure out what my theme is. 😂
^^not all Christians are homophobic! I am Roman Catholic and I support all kinds of love💖
cool I know!
I'm Christian and it kinda sickens me that there are people in my religion who don't support it, because the whole bible argument is full of bùllshít. the bible also says you can't get a haircut or eat shrimp, but y'all ignore those. if you're gonna say the lgbt+ is against the bible, then stick to your argument and don't be a hypocrite.