Hi I'm Kayla💜


Hi I'm Kayla💜

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hi I'm Liz nice to meet u Kayla! also what is Hannah's acc?
ok thx! so that Hgm_aldceditz person is fake right?
oh ok thx!
Hey! My name is Heatber I am 12 and its very nice to meet u welcome to the fandom!
prob Maddie! She inspired me to dance and then prob next Mackenzie bc she is like my hip hop idol😭
sorry i ment 😂
so when did u start dance and gymnastics, i started when i was 3
and mine is hip hop and then next ballet
Wait So Is ur friend Hannah HGM_alfckisses?? And does she still have oc or is that one fake?
hey I'm Mia I would live to be friends im 13 and my fav dancer is brynn
probably contemporary or hip hop
Ok Thx!
So whats ur fav subject
same art and pe!
So when did u start waching dance moms
do u want to Collab
I can start
I started from season 5
then rewatched everything before
um probably back hand springs i just learned mine so i am kinda obessed
want to collab?
ok what dancer
sure what dancer?
Hi I am Bianka I love Jojo to and I have a little brother and I am 12