


23 1
crushes never work out for me
sorry I’m just rlly stressed
and I talk to him but not like on a daily basis but when we do talk it’s just...ah
I hate this why do emotions have to exist and why do boys have to be attractive
wow this sucks
I haven’t had a crush on someone in 3 years and that turned out bad and so did that one time 4 yrs ago
then I’m just gonna get my heart broken again probably but whatever
but the thing is he isn’t even like super attractive but he kind of is but I also think he’s kinda sweet but agh no I cannot like him I refuse to
I literally haven’t seen him in like a week why am I just now thinking abt this?¿??¿
nope I can’t like him bc if I do then I’ll feel awkward around him and that’s the last thing I want
he’s literally the only person I talk to in my science class
well other than the other boy in our lab group but he’s just..weird but also said something to me the other day
he said “aren’t you sad u don’t get to see me in every class” or some śhít like that and then me being the little “hard to get àśshole” I am says “yeah, okay sure”
“keep thinking that to yourself”
but then they both do really weird things
gawd l rlly wish l could help, but l have no in advice as I’m just a shy little bean who doesn’t know śhït. best of luck tho. tbh there’s no reason he shouldn’t like someone like you back.🤞🏼💓
like one time we did a stair lab when the other one I didn’t like wasn’t there
and basically someone had to run up the steps and the other had to record it to prove time doesn’t effect work or some śhît
and we bickered abt who was gonna be the runner for like 5 minutes
he ended up doing it btw bc I was wearing boots but I actually just didn’t feel like running
bc I’ve ran like a half a mile in the boots before but that’s beside the point
and he kept saying to me “no ur gonna be the runner” but I’m 90% sure he kept arguing with me only to pîśs me off
everything’s fine..just casually spamming my own comment section
I’m fine I’m fine everything is fine I don’t actually have a crush on this boy
nope I refuse to like him it ain’t happening
oh jeez man I wish I could help but I have no idea how to handle crush’s either so we’re both scréwed