I'm going to get killed for this in the responsesπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ T-Shirt inspiration in responses


I'm going to get killed for this in the responsesπŸ˜…πŸ˜‚ T-Shirt inspiration in responses

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this is very rude to some people if they take it the wrong way.
it's not my problem. it's theirs
why do you do this?
do what?
share your opinion
why do you feel that everyone cares what you think of who
so your not a vegetarian. But that doesn't give you the right to be rude and offensive to those who aren't similar or don't agree with you.
check out h-u-m-a-n--r-i-g-h-t-s and StopThisCruelty. they do the exact same thing
does that men you have too
sharing my opinion isn't against the law. therefore I am allowed to do it.
you're right it isn't against the law. In fact you should go find every vegetarian and tell them all that their "idiots" why don't you do that huh?
okay, i will. right after I finish looking for your sense of humor.
I am not offended by illogical comment
and I'm not offended by any comments. because what you have to say is completely irrelevant to me😊
and I checked the accounts you suggested and did you realize how none of their opinions offend anyone? unlike yours that offend a number of people
they offended me. especially StopThisCruelty.
oh I feel so bad. How did u feel after being offended
nothing really. i just felt sorry for them
why did you feel sorry for them?
because they use the liberal tactic of censorship.
that's fair
it drives me completely insane.
but do you expect that people would feel sorry for you despite the fact that you offended them
Idk. some people feel sorry for me and some people just plain hate me. either way is okay for me. I'm used to it and I can't control how people feel about me.
let me tell you that I don't hate you nor do I feel sorry for for you
my curiosity got the best of me yet again
okay. then how do you feel about me?
but let me tell you it is amazing how you stubbornly refused to my arguments
don't get me wrong, there's a certain beauty in your resistance
and you stubbornly refused my question. and just a note- I am under absolutely no obligation to speak to you at all.
like what, exactly?
as I am under no obligation to answer your question
and I am stubborn I accept that
but, you see, it would be the polite thing to do. because you appear to be all about thatπŸ˜‚
incredibly stubborn.
what makes you think I am "all about" politeness
oh and you are correct I am incredibly stubborn. I am also egoistic. incredibly egotistic
well, you're crawling up my butt because I'm being rude, so the only logical explanation would be that you want me to be polite instead of rude and terrible and degrading.
I must have given you the wrong impression
so then what do you want from me?
we shall continue this delightful argument tomorrow. I need to get to my slumber
quick question- where do you live? like what country?
I don't understand why people are causing you problems for this post. I mean, really. It's a joke! I've seen that written on shirts!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
what do you want from me now?
that's funny but sorta mean, still funny thoπŸ˜‚βœ‹πŸ»
how is it mean?
it's a joke erudite7, if you don't find it funny then you could keep your comment(s) to yourself
LAMO THIS IS AMAZING I LOVE THISπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ y r people getting all offended like srsly
I get that it's a joke but it's still pretty annoying and a little mean