Collage by FallenLucius


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E: Huh? what's a "boyfriend"
Henry: *sweating*
kohana: *smiles* nice to meet you
Sky: Awwww
E: hm. Emma: so sorry. she...lost her memory
Emma: *sighs*. Tyler: *pats E's back*
Henry: *sweating*
Henry: h-h-hi...
Henry: *squirms*
Henry: *hugs her from behind*
Henry: *wipes sweat*
Henry: she dosent seem to like me...
Henry: w-why?
Henry: *counfused*
Henry: I don't know magic stuff.. I only know how to turn into a phenoix
Henry: I love you...
Henry: *smiles cutely*
Henry: w-what?
Henry: what's wrong? being stressed after pregnancy is pretty bad...
Henry: OH MY GOD! *runs out, clearing crystals out of his pocket* STAY THERE ALEU!
Henry: Just stay there!!! *burns the tiger to dust*
Henry: NO! *snaps and he's in the car* *puts Aj and pj in there too*