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Why do I even have friends:(
All they do is torture me tbh
With one phrase
"Crawl in a hole and die"
They don't understand pain
They don't know what internal pain is
Continued in comments
my friends can't seem to stop saying "crawl in a hole and die" after I politely asked them to stop saying it.
one thinks they have anxiety
one is kinda annoying tbh
one is okay I guess
one is just a flat out jerk
one is an awful person to me
then leave them.
find new ones.
I have been in the exact same position as you. I wasn't happy when with my friends and they obviously didn't like me but I was too scared to leave them and find new ones.
I had nothing in common with my friends and I felt unwanted when in their company
one day I decided I was gonna talk to someone else and it turns out I had heaps in common with them
what I'm trying to say is. do what ever makes you happy. if leaving those people makes you happy then do it.
true* ffs
talk to new people find a new group of people that make you happy.
and if you can't then everyone in pc is always here for you. <3
I just I contemplate on having friends. you would want friends that understand your pain right? yeah so do I. I'm lucky enough to have friends, but they aren't ever there for me if I feel sad. I once sent them I paragraph about my crippling social anxiety but like NO just make and joke out of the whole meaningful paragraph and make my life a living hëłł(ooo wow edgÿ). And one of my friends replied with 'Same' LIKE NO OKAY YOU ARE NOT THE SAME PERSON AS ME?! DO NOT RESPOND WITH SAME UNLESS IT IS SOMETHING RELATABLE. so then I sent a paragraph on how the word SAME bothers me BUT NOPE. That's now a joke in my grade too.🙃
^ I know right
I'm so sorry friend 😾💕
so sorry fren yeah most of my frens (all except one) just kind of ignore me so I just don't tell them about my problems (the one would probably just take it as a joke.) also, have you heard the new fob thing yet